Fatherly Advice- Extracted from the Proverbs of Solomon, Chapter 11:
1 A false balance is abhorrent to Yahweh, a just weight is pleasing to him.
2 Pride comes first; disgrace soon follows; with the humble is wisdom found.
3 The honest have their own honesty for guidance, the treacherous are ruined by their own perfidy.
4 In the day of retribution riches will be useless, but uprightness delivers from death.
5 The uprightness of the good makes their way straight, the wicked fall by their own wickedness.
6 Their uprightness sets the honest free, the treacherous are imprisoned by their own desires.
7 The hope of the wicked perishes with death, hope placed in riches comes to nothing.
8 The upright escapes affliction, the wicked incurs it instead.
9 Through his mouth the godless is the ruin of his neighbour, but by knowledge the upright are safeguarded.
10 When the upright prosper the city rejoices, when the wicked are ruined there is a shout of joy.
11 A city is raised on the blessing of the honest, and demolished by the mouth of the wicked.
12 Whoever looks down on a neighbour lacks good sense; the intelligent keeps a check on the tongue.
13 A tittle-tattler lets secrets out, the trustworthy keeps things hidden.
14 For want of leadership a people perishes, safety lies in many advisers.
15 Whoever goes bail for a stranger does himself harm, but one who shuns going surety is safe.
16 A gracious woman brings honour to her husband, she who has no love for justice is dishonour enthroned.
17 The generous man is his own benefactor, a cruel man injures his own flesh.
18 Disappointment crowns the labours of the wicked, whoever sows uprightness reaps a solid reward.
19 Whoever establishes uprightness is on the way to life, whoever pursues evil, on the way to death.
20 Men of depraved heart are abhorrent to Yahweh, dear to him, those whose ways are blameless.
21 Be sure of it, the wicked will not go unpunished, but the race of the upright will come to no harm.
22 A golden ring in the snout of a pig is a lovely woman who lacks discretion.
23 The hope of the upright is nothing but good, the expectation of the wicked is retribution.
24 One scatters money around, yet only adds to his wealth, another is excessively mean, but only grows the poorer.
25 The soul who blesses will prosper, whoever satisfies others will also be satisfied.
26 The people's curse is on those who hoard the wheat, their blessing on the head of those who sell it.
27 Whoever strives for good obtains favour, whoever looks for evil will get an evil return.
28 Whoever trusts in riches will have a fall, the upright will flourish like the leaves.
29 Whoever misgoverns a house inherits the wind, and the fool becomes slave to the wise.
30 The fruit of the upright is a tree of life: the sage captivates souls.
31 If here on earth the upright gets due reward, how much more the wicked and the sinner! |
21 April 2012
They were united, heart and soul – Extracted from the Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 4:32-37
The whole group of believers was united, heart and soul; no one claimed for his own use anything that he had, as everything they owned was held in common.
The apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus with great power, and they were all given great respect.
None of their members was ever in want, as all those who owned land or houses would sell them, and bring the money from them, to present it to the apostles; it was then distributed to any members who might be in need.
There was a Levite of Cypriot origin called Joseph whom the apostles surnamed Barnabas (which means ‘son of encouragement’). He owned a piece of land and he sold it and brought the money, and presented it to the apostles.
What the Church says?
The Church of Jesus Christ has never made it compulsory for anyone who wants to join as Church members to put everything they have to common use… Well, those who enter the religious vocations, in answer to God’s calling, do have all their possessions held in common to be shared with other religious, as they have vowed to live in poverty, chastity and obedience…
I am sure that many of us enjoy earning our own living and buying things and gifts for our love ones. The Church teaches us to share what we have with those that are in need (see the Letter of Saint James, Chapter 2:14-26 )
Our Sharing:
The willingness to share probably comes easier for one who has started as a cradle Catholic / Christian and / or has studied in a mission school; as “sharing” with others and those in need are the first lessons that we have learned since young in school and it has somehow become a second nature in many of us when we grow up.
However, we also want to give credit to most Singaporeans, whose willingness to share with those in need are famous throughout the world. Many Singaporeans do not only give, out from their excesses; but have made some small sacrifices to give, out of their basic needs. Don’t you see that many institutions provide free food to the hungry and have also delivered food to those who have mobility problem? Yet, there is no need to worry on the supply, as many who are unable to cook or do the delivery due to their busy schedules would ensure that the necessities are there for the cooking … 8-) |